High School Nursing Scholarships

Luthercare is committed to supporting the education of future healthcare professionals.


To assist local students who plan to pursue a nursing degree, we offer scholarships to public, private, nonpublic, and homeschool high school seniors in Berks, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York Counties.

Applicants must complete an application consisting of an essay describing why they should receive the scholarship and why they are interested in the field of nursing (750 words, max). Applicants must also submit two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher, coach, mentor, etc., and one from a community member.

Applications due April 2nd.

Questions can be emailed to Scholarship@Luthercare.org.

Print Application

Online Application

About the Program

Luthercare’s Nursing Scholarship Program offers scholarship opportunities for both local high school students and Luthercare team members. The program began in 2009 by offering scholarships to team members who were furthering their education and professional development. In 2020, with COVID-19 greatly impacting the nursing field, our scholarship program was extended for the first time to local high school students. Since then, Luthercare has distributed $90,000 in scholarships to 70 high school students for nursing education. 

The program reflects our organization’s continuing commitment to quality care and the education of healthcare professionals, and it would not be possible without the generous donors who support Luthercare’s Nursing Scholarship Fund.   

2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610