Team Member Erica Gettle Awarded $1,200 LeadingAge PA Professional Development Scholarship


Caption: Megan Stedjan of LeadingAge PA (right) presents a LeadingAge PA Professional Development Scholarship to Erica Gettle, Registered Nurse Assessment Coordinator at the Luther Acres Healthcare Center. Congratulations, Erica!

Luthercare is thrilled to announce team member Erica Gettle, RN, has been awarded a $1,200 scholarship from LeadingAge PA’s 2021 Professional Development Scholarship Program to further her education in the field of nursing.

Gettle serves as a Registered Nurse Assessment Coordinator (RNAC) for the Healthcare Center at Luther Acres, a Luthercare community in Lititz, and will use the scholarship toward her educational pursuit of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Excelsior College. Gettle, of Myerstown, joined the Luther Acres team in February 2019.  In her role, she coordinates and provides the assessments of residents’ health conditions when being admitted to or residing in the skilled nursing center.


“The scholarship award Erica received is well deserved,” said Mark Kessler, Administrator of the Luther Acres Healthcare Center. “She consistently models the organizational values we are committed to as a faith-based provider: Compassion, Integrity, Teamwork, Connection and Learning. Thanks for all you do, Erica!”

LeadingAge PA is a trade association representing more than 370 high quality senior housing, health care, and community services across the commonwealth. The Association is dedicated to the education and workforce enhancement efforts of member communities, and commits $100,000 annually to scholarship and internship programs. LeadingAge PA awards scholarships that enhance opportunities for member staff pursuing further education, training, and certification — both within and outside of the field of nursing.

Together, Luthercare and LeadingAge PA congratulate Gettle on her scholarship and dedication to furthering her education and professional development!

2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610