Our Beginnings

As we celebrate our 75th anniversary we will be taking a look back at our history, starting with the beginning.

The seeds of Luthercare were planted in 1946 when a group of concerned citizens in Lancaster formed a committee to study the needs of seniors in Lutheran Congregations. After recognizing the need for quality living and care, the Lutheran Service for Older People was incorporated in 1949. In 1951, they would establish their headquarters at 502 W. Chestnut Street in Lancaster.

Within the next year, The Lutheran Service Society of Lebanon County would form as a separate organization with the goal of, “[promoting]  the physical and spiritual well-being of persons, preferably from Lebanon County, including the providing of Christian homes for aged men and women who desire comfort, care, and security in their advancing years.” In 1953 they opened Spang Crest, the first “Home for the Aged”, after being gifted the property by Mrs. Walter Strickler. It could accommodate up to 18 guests.

Then, in 1954 the Lutheran Service For Older People changed their name to the Lutheran Inner Mission of the Lancaster Conference. The following year they would begin providing care for seniors with the opening of The Lutheran Home at Lancaster at 229 E. Orange Street. It was equipped to care for up to 20 residents and was, “…the first step in the program if we are to begin caring for our own.”


About Luthercare:  Founded in 1949, Luthercare, a social ministry organization affiliated with the Lower Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a member of Lutheran Services in America, is a leading provider of independent, personal care and skilled care residences in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Luthercare operates Luther Acres, a Continuing Care Retirement Community in Lititz, Pa.; Spang Crest, a rehabilitation center, skilled nursing and memory support personal care community in Lebanon, Pa.; and St. John’s Herr Estate, an independent living and personal care community in Columbia, Pa. Additionally, Luthercare operates PA Keystone Stars-accredited childcare and early learning centers in Reamstown and Annville. Luthercare, a pioneer in Childcare Programs, also offers a Mentoring Program that aids family child care home providers in Lebanon and Lancaster counties.

2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610