Child care providers often play a very important, deeply personal role in families’ lives. In Marietta, a child care community is rallying to support one of their families through an extremely difficult time.

Kyler Sumpman
On August 27, 2021, a day like any other, 15-month-old Kyler Sumpman was brought to Luthercare for Kids – Marietta. Teachers noticed he was not participating in activities as he normally would. They examined him and noticed one side of his belly was protruding more than the other and felt a hard lump. The team called Kyler’s mom, Sonni Boyer, to see what it could be or if there was anything they should know about Kyler’s health. Sonni picked him up and took him to his doctor that afternoon – a visit that has turned their lives upside down.
Kyler was immediately admitted to Penn State Health Children’s Hospital and diagnosed with stage 3 kidney cancer at the very early age of 1. On August 30, he underwent surgery to remove his right kidney and a one-and-a-half-pound tumor. Following Kyler’s procedure, Sonni and her husband, Kenny, learned that their son will need to undergo chemotherapy for the next 6 months.
During the course of Kyler’s treatment, Sonni will be acting as the sole caregiver for all of Kyler’s needs. She will do this alongside caring for Kyler’s three siblings. Sonni will be out of work for the foreseeable future, and while her employer is holding her position for her, it will be without pay.
When the teachers at Luthercare for Kids – Marietta learned about this, they took it upon themselves to ask the greater community to help this family in their desperate time of need. They sent letters to local businesses and organizations, requesting donations for the family. Luthercare for Kids is grateful for the community support and ongoing prayers for the family.
“We can only hope that we as a team can provide a sense of comfort and peace during this difficult time,” says Lindsay Brubaker, a teacher at Luthercare for Kids – Marietta.
About Luthercare and Luthercare for Kids:
Founded in 1949, Luthercare, a social ministry organization affiliated with the Lower Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a member of Lutheran Services in America, is a leading provider of independent, personal care and skilled care residences and is a pioneer in child care programs in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Luthercare operates Luther Acres, a Continuing Care Retirement Community in Lititz, Pa.; Spang Crest, a rehabilitation center, skilled nursing and memory support personal care community in Lebanon, Pa.; and St. John’s Herr Estate, an independent living and personal care community in Columbia, Pa. Additionally, Luthercare operates PA Keystone Stars-accredited Luthercare for Kids child care and early learning centers in Marietta, Reamstown and Annville. Luthercare for Kids also offers a Mentoring Program, which aids home-based child care providers in Lebanon and Lancaster counties.