Luthercare Issues COVID-19 Update: 4/1/2021

Luthercare is continuing its commitment to provide regular information on how COVID-19 is impacting our communities. Recently, local health officials have reported rising coronavirus case counts in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties and are urging citizens to remain diligent in mitigating the spread of the virus.

At Luthercare, we continue to remind our residents, team members and visitors to keep practicing the 3 W’s: Wear a mask, Wash your Hands, Watch your distance. Our residents are required to wear masks when leaving apartments or cottages, when going to the store, or anytime they may come into contact with others. Some residents and staff are not vaccinated or haven’t received their second doses, so not everyone is protected from COVID-19. This is still a critical time, and we ask you to continue to practice these precautions to keep yourself, your neighbors, your friends, and your loved ones healthy and safe – especially as we head into the Easter holiday weekend.

Next week, we will welcome UPMC back to our Lititz campus to deliver our second on-site COVID-19 vaccination clinic to Independent Living residents from Luther Acres and St. John’s Herr Estate. The combination of getting vaccinated and following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations for personal safety offer the best protection from COVID-19.

We are also pleased to announce that Phoebe Pharmacy, our pharmacy partner for our Healthcare Centers and Personal Care Centers, is able to offer vaccines, as needed, to new residents, new team members, and current residents and employees who have decided to become vaccinated.

Regarding visitation, those planning to visit a loved one at a Luthercare community must check in at a screening location when arriving to a Luthercare campus. Visitors who fail to meet the screening requirements will be asked to return when symptoms resolve or cleared by a physician. All visitors should wear a mask, maintain a physical distance, and practice infection control measures.

We appreciate your patience as we make changes to follow our state and federal guidelines. We look forward to seeing residents and their family members together again, and we sincerely appreciate your support over the past year.

If you have questions regarding visitation or reopening guidelines, more information is available by reaching out the Executive Director at each campus. They are:

Luther Acres Executive Director Craig Shelly, 717.626.1171

St. John’s Herr Estate Executive Director Anita Martin, 717.684.0678

Spang Crest Executive Director Dan Deitzel, 717.274.1495


Luther Acres

One Independent Living resident tested positive for COVID-19 this week, and the individual is quarantining in their residence. There are no cases of COVID-19 among Healthcare Center or Personal Care residents or team members.

On Tuesday, April 6, UPMC will return to campus to conduct the second of two vaccination clinics for Luther Acres and St. John’s Herr Estate Independent Living residents. Additionally, Phoebe Pharmacy, our pharmacy partner for the Healthcare Center and Personal Care, now has both the Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer vaccines available, as needed, for new residents, new team members, and current residents and employees who have decided to become vaccinated. The first of those clinics took place yesterday (March 31.)

The Healthcare Center continues with normal salon service hours, dining room meal service, and small resident group activities – all while observing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ protocols for safe social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing. Scheduled family visitation continues in designated visitation areas outside of the Healthcare Center. Visits should be scheduled through the Therapeutic Recreation Department, 717.626.1171, ext. 1541.

Personal Care visitation is available through scheduled appointment times. To schedule your visit, please contact Alyssa Wojcik at 717.626.1171, ext. 1226, or email her at

In Independent Living, residents may receive one to two visitors per week, and all visitors must be screened upon arrival and follow all safety protocols. Residents should receive visitors in their apartments, cottages, or available outdoor space, rather than in lobbies or common areas. At this time, overnight visits are not permitted, and only residents may eat in our dining venues, which remain at a limited capacity.


St. John’s Herr Estate

This week, a Personal Care resident tested positive, and the individual is asymptomatic and in quarantine. A Dining Services team member also remains in quarantine following a positive result. All Personal Care residents and team members were tested this week per recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention due to Lancaster County’s increased positivity rate.

On Tuesday, April 6, UPMC is returning to the Luther Acres campus to conduct the second of two vaccination clinics for St. John’s Herr Estate and Luther Acres residents. Additionally, Phoebe Pharmacy, our pharmacy partner for Personal Care, now has both the Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer vaccines to vaccinate new residents, new team members, and current residents and employees who have now elected to receive it. The first of those clinics took place at St. John’s Herr Estate on Friday, March 26.

Regarding visitation, to help us manage the number of Personal Care visitors at a given time, we are asking guests to please call ahead at 717.449.5996 to alert our team members when they will be arriving. Outdoor visits are recommended when weather permits, and no more than two visitors will be permitted in private rooms at a time. Visits may not occur in indoor common areas. There should be no more than two visitors per week, and social distancing, masking and hand-washing guidelines must be followed. We are asking that Independent Living residents not visit Personal Care residents, unless the visit is requested as one of their one to two visitors per week. We are trying to keep visitation open to family members first.

Independent Living residents may receive one to two visitors per week. Visitors are required to be screened at entrances and must wear a mask covering their nose and mouth. Residents should receive visitors in their apartments, cottages, or available outdoor space, rather than in lobbies or common areas. At this time, overnight visits are not permitted, and only residents may eat in our dining venues, which remain at a limited capacity.

We appreciate your patience as we make changes to follow our state and federal guidelines.


Spang Crest

Spang Crest has no new cases among residents or team members. All team members will be tested today (April 1). Due to Lebanon County’s increased positivity rate, we also will be initiating universal testing twice per week beginning next week on Tuesday and Thursday, adhering to the regulatory standards regarding continued universal testing from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Our next vaccine clinic for new residents, new team members, and those who have now elected to get the vaccine will be held by Phoebe Pharmacy on Tuesday, April 6.

We continue with visitation, communal dining, and beautician services for all residents. Visitors must continue to schedule appointment times. To schedule your visit, please call Spang Crest at 717.274.1495. All visitors must be screened upon arrival. Visitors who fail to meet the screening requirements will be asked to return when symptoms resolve or cleared by a physician. All visitors should wear a mask, maintain a physical distance, and practice infection control measures.

All visits will take place in a designated visitation area. We ask that there be no more than two visitors and that social distancing, masking and hand-washing guidelines be followed.




luther acres exterior blockAbout Luthercare:

Founded in 1949, Luthercare, a social ministry organization affiliated with the Lower Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a member of Lutheran Services in America, is a leading provider of independent, personal care and skilled care residences in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Luthercare operates Luther Acres, a Continuing Care Retirement Community in Lititz, Pa.; Spang Crest, a rehabilitation center, skilled nursing and memory support personal care community in Lebanon, Pa.; and St. John’s Herr Estate, an independent living and personal care community in Columbia, Pa. Additionally, Luthercare operates PA Keystone Stars-accredited child care and early learning centers in Marietta, Reamstown and Annville. Luthercare, a pioneer in Child Care Programs, also offers a Mentoring Program, which aids home-based child care providers in Lebanon and Lancaster counties.


2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610