Becoming Luthercare: Our Organization Evolves through the 1990s

In June of 1990, the Emergency Shelter for Children closed its doors after serving the community for ten years. In its time the shelter assisted a total of 1,267 children between the ages of 12-17, with 25% receiving referrals to the shelter more than once. Reflecting on the impact of the work done by the shelter Gordon Samuels, former coordinator of the program, said that “Time at the shelter gave the youths some time to put some structure in their lives and to think about their future. Most of the former residents have already or will become productive citizens.”

As one door closed, another opened in the form of the Lebanon Valley Childcare Center at Lebanon Valley College in July of 1991. Described as “a bright and cheery home-away-from-home”, the center’s goal was to provide children with a place where they could feel comfortable as they grew and developed their young minds. With this center Luthercare would expand our opportunitues to care for children, adding to the existing programs that included Private Care, Family and Group Day Care Homes Programs. The LVC center’s schedule included time for indoor- and outdoor- playtime with engaging toys and play areas, nutritional meals and snacks, and occasional outings to LVC campus facilities including the swimming pool, library, and music department. In 1991 a total of 602 children were served across all of Luthecare’s childcare programs.

In 1996, our organization would become recognizable as it is today by adopting a new name, Luthercare, along with a new logo, a heart with a cross upon it derived from the seal of Martin Luther. The rebrand came from a desire to show Luthercare’s efforts to carry on Christ’s ministry of compassion and unconditional love as we grew across the state, as well as reflect changes with the introduction of the Lower Susquehanna Synod in the late 1980s as it replaced the previous regional model of the Central Pennsylvania Synod.

As St. John’s Herr Estate marked its six-year anniversary, the need for a worship and community space was expressed. So, a capital fund campaign was launched to raise financial resources to build a chapel. After 119 days of fundraising, the original goal of $150,000 was surpassed, with a grand total of $162,000 raised in contributions and pledges. Another notable contribution included the stained glass window inside of the chapel, which was made possible because of a donation by resident William H. Bongart in memory of his sister, Margaret E. Peters, who was also a resident. The stained glass was designed and crafted by Weidman Stained Glass of Lebanon and depicts The Lamb of God. After its completion, the chapel was dedicated on November 2, 1997 to much rejoicing.

As the 1990s came to a close, Luther Acres would develop once more with the groundbreaking of twenty more cottages. This decision would continue to support Luthercare’s long-term strategic plan as we increased our capacity for independent living. In the years to come, this would drive other growth and renovations as we welcomed the new millenia.

2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610