
Luthercare Issues COVID-19 Update: 5/7/2021

Luthercare is pleased to see the success of COVID-19 vaccination in our communities, with fewer cases among our residents and team members.  We currently have no cases of COVID-19 at our campuses.  We continue to urge our residents, team members and the greater community to receive the vaccine when possible and to remain diligent in... Click to read the full story

Luthercare Issues COVID-19 Update: 4/30/2021

Luthercare is pleased to see the success of COVID-19 vaccination in our communities, with fewer cases among our residents and team members.  We currently have no cases of COVID-19 at our campuses.  We continue to urge our residents, team members and the greater community to receive the vaccine when possible and to remain diligent in... Click to read the full story

Luthercare and WellSpan Health Partner for Self-Awareness Week

As we all continue to manage the stress and uncertainty tied to the pandemic, Luthercare wanted to take the time to recognize any tension, fear or other emotions we may be facing as individuals so team members can better enjoy life at home, at work or both. To do this, our organization hosted a Self-Awareness... Click to read the full story

Luthercare Issues COVID-19 Update: 4/23/2021

At Luthercare and most long-term care communities nationwide, the majority of residents have received the coronavirus vaccine. At the same time, the long-term care industry is working hard to reach a nationwide goal of getting 75 percent of its staff vaccinated by June 30. Luthercare strongly encourages all of its team members to receive the... Click to read the full story

Team Member Spotlight: Building a Career in Aging Services

As we celebrate Careers in Aging Week (April 18-24, 2021), we’d like to share the story of Luthercare team member Diane Hay, who has built her career in the field of aging services and long-term care. Diane joined the Luther Acres Dining Services team in 2001 as a high school student who wanted to see... Click to read the full story

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Experiences Newsletters

Several times a year, Luthercare circulates its corporate newsletter, Experiences, which provides readers with a glimpse of the most important happenings at Luthercare, our senior living campuses and our child care centers.

In addition, Experiences also features any important upcoming events or news at Luthercare. Click below to read or download some of our most recent newsletters!

Philanthropy Newsletters & Updates

COVID-19 Pandemic Video –
The Effect of the Pandemic on Luther Acres Campus, Residents & Staff

As we moved forward in our journey through the pandemic, we felt it was important to share what we faced during the outbreak at Luther Acres Healthcare Center, the impact it has had, and where we go from here.

This is video dedicated to our Luthercare residents who went above and beyond in supporting our team members during the pandemic, and to the residents who have passed during this time. And, to our frontline team, our healthcare heroes who have selflessly served our residents during the coronavirus pandemic.

Watch now
2025 Luthercare. 600 E. Main Street | Lititz , PA 17543 | Telephone 717.626.1171 | Fax 717.626.1610